The Importance of Accreditation with an accredited institution, a student has some assurance of receiving a quality education and gaining recognition by other colleges and employers for the course credits and degrees earned. Accreditation affirms that a college provides a quality of education that the general public has the right to expect and that the educational community recognizes.
American High School delivers accredited, college is preparatory, and career-based online education for Grades 6-12 to students throughout the U.S. and Internationally. Students receive core curriculum and elective courses in desirable career fields such as healthcare, game design, criminal justice, information technology, and managem
AHS is one of only a handful of schools to be fully accredited by leading regional and national accreditation authorities.
Cognia is the unified organization of the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement (NCA CASI) and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS CASI). These are the same organizations that accredit leading universities. Cognia provides nationally recognized accreditation for middle and high school districts and individual schools, including 27,000 public and private schools and districts across the United States and in 65 countries worldwide.
The National Collegiate Athletic Association is a member-led organization dedicated to college athletes’ well-being and lifelong success. All work to support student-athletes in succeeding in the field, classroom, and life. More than 460,000 college athletes make up the 19,000 teams that send more than 54,000 participants to compete in the NCAA’s 90 championships in 24 sports across three divisions.
Accreditation International (Ai) is your education accreditation choice for schools, centers, education corporations, and other education entities worldwide – from north to south and east to west. Leaders from the National Council for Private School Accreditation(NCPSA), the Council on Occupational Education (COE), the International Council for Education, and former Executive Directors from the USA regional accreditors have contributed to the development and delivery of standards, policies, and procedures available to AccreditationInternational (Ai).
The National Council for Private School Accreditation is dedicated to the accreditation process as a viable and responsible means of establishing a witness of school excellence. NCPSA is committed to accrediting schools based on voluntary peer recognition. This principle infers that institutions sharing everyday purposes and distinctive are better able to assist one another in achieving the standards for academic excellence and responsiveness to their respective public and the nation.
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